Please note- Wallis Spirit welcomes all registered dragon boat paddlers from DBNSW or interstate clubs to our training sessions. Before adding your name to our Paddling Calander please Contact Us by text or email
A minimum of eight people (paddlers, sweep and coach combined) is required for paddling to go ahead as that many are required to launch the small boat. Paddlers are advised to check their internet on the morning of each session (a) to determine if any late cancellations mean that the numbers are not sufficient for paddling and (b) to ensure that a Sweep's name AND a Coach's name has been entered on the roster. If numbers are insufficient OR if there is no Coach AND Sweep, the paddle session is cancelled.
Currently there are 3 paddling sessions scheduled each week, Tuesday, Friday and Sunday:
Sunday morning -7.15am for 7.30am. This paddling session is more relaxed and especially ideal for beginners.
Tuesday and Friday mornings -6.15am for6.30am. Weekday sessions will concentrate on improving the Competition team’s performance, but all paddlers are welcome.
See the calendar below for date and time details. To add your name for a paddling session:
Click on the relevant date on the calendar. A new box will open.
Type your name in the ENTER THE EVENT TITLE box, click on CALENDAR and select Tuesday, Friday, Sunday or Special Event and click SAVE. Sweeps, Coaches etc can add this alongside their name.
Names are displayed in the calendar in alphabetical order.
If you wish to repeat register your name (for example, every Tuesday), tick the REPEATS box and indicate the frequency of the repetition desired and/or the period for which you wish to repeat register. If you do this, you can still revisit an entry for any day and remove it as described below. The deadline for registrations for each session is 5pm the previous day.
To remove your name click on the name to be removed and the same box will open. At the top of the box, click delete.
Mobile phone and tablet users can access the calendar by clicking here.
Covid Considerations
*****While Covid 19 is still a problem in our community you are especially reminded that if you are unwell or have any cold or flu-like symptoms, you should NOT attend training. If you do unfortunately contract Covid 19, you should not return to training until you have a negative Rapid Antigen Test (RAT) after your period of isolation.*****